

Royalty, queer royalty is at the heart of the Regaylia collection showcased in June 2023. Alegría's first real love letter to their hometown of San Antonio. This swimwear premier was not just a singular collection, but rather 4 mini-collections presented as separate kingdoms to showcase the diversity of royalty found across the globe. Additionally, each kingdom biographs the opportunities and passions of the designers.

Regaylia showcases not only the designers talent for prints, patterns, and details, but continues to utilize the militant queer iconography they have come to be known for. Creating looks that function not only as swimwear, but additionally as armor to give strength to all the Kings and Queens within the gay community.


photos by: Torry Sledge and Olivia Orona


Utilizing leather ivy harnesses and prints of native Texas wildflowers, represents the bright colored and kink-driven circuit parties, which the designers used to create various looks for the local circuit brand Bexar-Haus.
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Acropolis, created from photo manipulating architectural details from downtown San Antonio, is a love letter the group "Centro" which gave us our first retail space just blocks from the central hub of the city.
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With hand drawn clouds and feather prints, the designers showcase their love for the arts and art culture of the city which as always been welcoming and encouraging of their work.
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Features solid colors and unique cuts, finishes the show with an all male kingdom inspired by a local male performer. The styles presented in the corium portion are inspired by various queer stories of royalty that have been passed trough history.
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